Sunday, 12 February 2012

Distorted View

Some time ago I used to study Art and Design. Whenever I would draw a portrait or some other thing it would turn out misproportioned or elongated. Since I was looking at it so closely and sitting down at the table when I was drawing, I could only see from a limited perspective. But once I stood the picture up, I could see what it actually looked like. And it usually was never how I had intended for it to be all the while I was drawing it. I hadn't seen the bigger picture . Sometimes it's like that in life. When we look to closely we miss things. But ask GOD for guidance, then take a step bak and stare at your own life from a different perspective. Then, you will see the bigger picture.

(By the way, what did you see in the picture above? An old woman or a young woman?) Try looking at things from a new perspective. Remember, GOD's ways are higher than our ways. (Isaiah 55:9)