Thursday, 17 September 2020

Wonderful Saviour

"He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed."- 1 Peter 2:24 If I could sum up the Gospel in one word it would be LOVE. Why else would
Jesus Christ, the blameless Lamb of God, die in our place. He didn't die so that so we be pious or religious, but so that we could be made right with God. By the sacrificial, substitutionary death of Christ on our behalf, so that we may have a relationship with God through Him. 

He is love personified. The ultimate Hero. He sees all our flaws and He loves us dearly. Though He live in utter perfection, He died a sinners' death and we get to reap the rewards of His obedience (sacrifice). By His death, death was defeated and by His resurrection from the death, we get to experience new life. Heaven waits for those who ask. When we put our trust in Jesus wholeheartedly, He gives us a new identity and we are clothed with Christ.
Are you ready for a makeover?

Love and blessings,

Rachel x