Please, actually read it.
First of all it good to note that GOD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit-are one GOD) provides all things for us. He provided the world we live in. Formed every animal we see from the dust of the earth. He spoke the world into existence. In Him all things hold together. He is and forever wil be GOD. And we all need Him whether we realise it or not. You depend on Him more than you think. The Bible says that every good and perfect gift comes from (above) Him. James 1:17
The very air that you breathe is sustained by Him. Your very existence is dependent upon His existence and upon the incredible love which He has for you. For in Him we live and move and have our being. He is the eternal One. The sovereign King. He makes all things possible.
Jesus Christ provides salvation
EVERYONE has a need for salvation. It is something that you cannot go without. Christ Jesus and only Him provides this much needed salvation. You cannot come to the Father unless through the Son.Without Him you can do nothing. Jesus Christ is the ONLY means of access and way to the Father in Heaven, who sits on the Throne. It was through Him that all things came to be. He is one with the Father. So many people do not understand the fact that there is only ONE GOD. He is the truine GOD. The Maker of Heaven and earth. The LORD and Saviour and Creator of the entire universe. One GOD in three Persons. GOD the Father, GOD the Son (Jesus) and GOD the Holy Spirit.(the Spirit of GOD which indwells every Believer.
We may deny Him but that doesn't make His existence any less real. It doesn't make His power less evident or His Word less true. If I call the sky black or red, it doesn't make it any less the blue which I know or can see that it is. It's the same with GOD. If you deny that He exists, at no point whatsoever would He cease to exist, because He existed before the world was made and before time itself. He is the Uncreated One, the Author of salvation and the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls.
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28). What does GOD require of you really?, but to love Him and let His Spirit lead you. To believe in His Son and let His glory be reflected in your life.
Jesus died so that we would not suffer condemnation. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
He provides Eternal Assurance
When Jesus Christ
When you except Christ into your life, all of your sins are washed away. You are cleansed by His precious redemptive blood.
Here's a few lines from one of my favourite hymns: -
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
Jesus provides assurance in every sense of the world. In terms of life, death, uncertainty/uncertain times, eternal security. His oppression and suffering set you free from the hardest burden to bear- ultimate separation from GOD the Father. Without Christ there is no hope, there is no life- for He is the Life-Giver. The Living Water/Well and the Bread of Life. It is impossible to get to Heaven without Jesus- the Doorway to Heaven.
Becoming a Christian
Becoming a Christian is not like looking for a bargain. This is the reality. CHRIST DIED FOR US. We either choose to believe it and receive Him or not. It is not like pick and mix or buy one get one free. Jesus gives us a choice, we either accept Him or we don't. But this has eternal consequences. Our eternal dwelling place is dependent upon Whom we have chosen to place our faith and trust in ultimately.
Heaven is a real place just like Hell is. (or the eternal lake of sulphur/fire)
We will either meet the LORD Jesus as merciful Saviour or as Judge. You way up the odds. I'm being quite frank here, but the End (of all time) is near and we have choices to make whether good or bad. If we deliberately keep on denying the Truth, where does that leave us in the end.
The Sinner's Prayer
It's not to late. Pray with me the Sinner's Prayer.
Dear LORD Jesus, I accept You into my life as Lord and Saviour. And I believe with all my heart that You died to take away my sins and that GOD raised You from the dead. Please, come into my heart now and change my life by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ provides Safety
Only GOD can declare a guilty man innocent.
"Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." Romans 8:34
No one in the whole world can condemn you once you are in Christ. He makes you innocent. He/GOD declares you worthy. The world may say that unless you have achieved something spectacular then you are noone/nothing. But GOD says something different. He says "You are My child and I love you. You are worth a lot to Me. And before you have even done a thing, I love you unconditionally, eternally and completely. There is no love like mine and I want to shower you with that love because I love you and becaue you are special to me in all your entirety. You don't have to do a thing to be My treasure." Before you have even done a thing GOD loves you and accepts you for who you are. When you accept Christ Jesus into your life, you are clothed with Him and all His goodness. You put Him on like an eternal covering. Like a garment. And when GOD looks at you He see His beautiful, holy Son Jesus Christ. Believe in Him and you will be saved. Simply BELIEVE.
No one in the whole world can condemn you once you are in Christ. He makes you innocent. He/GOD declares you worthy. The world may say that unless you have achieved something spectacular then you are noone/nothing. But GOD says something different. He says "You are My child and I love you. You are worth a lot to Me. And before you have even done a thing, I love you unconditionally, eternally and completely. There is no love like mine and I want to shower you with that love because I love you and becaue you are special to me in all your entirety. You don't have to do a thing to be My treasure." Before you have even done a thing GOD loves you and accepts you for who you are. When you accept Christ Jesus into your life, you are clothed with Him and all His goodness. You put Him on like an eternal covering. Like a garment. And when GOD looks at you He see His beautiful, holy Son Jesus Christ. Believe in Him and you will be saved. Simply BELIEVE.
Does it matter what we (I) do?
The answer is yes. Since the Fall of Man the whole world, all of creation has suffered for it and been in disarray. Before sin entered the world through the deception of the devil (Adam and Eve), man lived in perfect unity with GOD. Trangression of GOD's law is what brings chaos, confusion and disarray. Sin can only end in destruction and death.
Thankfully (praise the LORD GOD) He sent down His Son Jesus Christ in the form of sinful man and He died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. In other words, we belong to Him, He paid for us with His blood. He has placed His Holy Spirit within us so that we do not suffer wrath and die along with those who choose not to follow GOD's way. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of GOD is eternal life. Romans 6:23
You were not an accident: GOD loves, chose and accepts you!
GOD loves you. In fact He planned the very hour of your birth. He formed you in the womb. (Psalm 139)
So I will ask you one question...
How can we deny or reject such a loving Saviour?
who died on the cross and suffered such a gruesome and agonizing death for our sins. If you knew what the Saviour went through to make us clean (cleansed, set free, without blemish. Presentable before GOD.) we would live every day in ceaseless praise. You (we) did not and cannot earn our salvation. We cannot work our way into GOD's good books. HE willingly paid the price and went to the cross for you.
He broke the curse of sin and death and set you free. All He asks is that you believe this. Pretty easy task on your part don't you think?
Recommended Book
The Eternal Word of GOD.
Greetings Rachel John
ReplyDeleteConcerning your statements:
"GOD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit-are one GOD)
He is the triune GOD. ... One GOD in three Persons. GOD the Father, GOD the Son (Jesus) and GOD the Holy Spirit.";
I recommend this video:
The Human Jesus
Take a couple of hours to watch it; and prayerfully it will aid you in your quest for truth.
Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor