Friday, 18 November 2011

Sharp Objects

A pencil is an object which when sharpened can pose as an object which presents beautiful  art pieces ( a tool when used in the correct way can be used in the making of something beautiful) or as a dangerous weapon. If it were to puncture the human eye it would blind instantly. Yet in the hand of an extremely talented artist it can be used as a tool which creates masterpieces of creativity. A device or tool used in the process of putting thought and ideas to paper.

In the same way we can either be objects of wrath and destruction of agents of beauty. The Bible says in Romans 12:1-2 to present your bodies as living sacrifices, in view of GOD's mercy, which is our reasonable act of service. We are not to offer the parts of our body to sin to be used by it (Romans 6:11-16). We have an obligation to GOD, not to ourselves and not to the sinful nature (Romans 8:12-13). So offer the parts of your body to the LORD's service. We will either be slaves of sin or servants of righteousness. We can either be objects of wrath and destruction or objects used for goodness. Vessels which carry the LORD's holy presence.

The LORD said to the Israelites thousands of years ago  "..I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life. Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

Today the GOD presents you with the same choice. Will you choose life?

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