Sunday, 8 April 2012

Flame On!

If I mentioned to you the human torch, what would be the first thing you would think of.

Have you ever noticed that the more that the more time you spend with someone the more like them you become? Like married couples for example, they spend so much time together that they develop the same characteristics, pull the same facial expressions and generally become so much alike that even their faces begin to forge into the same likeness. So we too in Christ are ever being conformed to His likeness. Becoming more and more like Him each day. Time in His presence leaves you radiant and allows you to radiate His glory to others. They will notice the change in you.

Something very similar happened with Moses; a man who experienced true intimacy with GOD and "whom the LORD knew face to face." The Bible says that Moses face shone so that the Israelites could no longer look at it. He resorted to wearing a veil over his face. That's what happens when you meet the radiance of GOD; you come out glowing. The only other account in the Bible where something of this sort happened was Jesus' transfiguration. When His appearance changed and His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. (Mark 9:3)

How close are you to the Lord? How much time are you spending with Him? If you want to shine brighter than the Sun, spend time with the Light of the world. Get closer.

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