Sunday, 8 October 2017

Sweet Jesus

I heard a lovely hymn at church today and I just thought I'd share it. Truly Jesus is the sweetest name I know. Enjoy.

Sweet Jesus

Sweet Jesus, Sweet Jesus, What a wonder you are...
You a brighter than the morning star.
You're fairer, much fairer than the lily that grows by the wayside...
Precious, more precious than gold.

He cleansed the spotted leper
He open blinded eyes
He walked on troubled waters
He astounded passers by
He forgave the sinful woman
Raised Lazarus from the dead
Took bread from one small lad
and He 5,000 fed

Sweet Jesus, Sweet Jesus, What a wonder you are...
You a brighter than the morning star.
You're fairer, much fairer than the lily that grows by the wayside...
Precious, more precious than gold.

He's the oak and I'm the ivy
He's the potter, I'm the clay.
He's the oil and I'm the vessel
I'm the traveler He's the way
I'm the flower-He's the fragrance
I'm the lamp...and He's the flame...
He's the words I sing to the music
We're the bride who claims his name.

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring song. God bless. Keep up the good work. :)
