Thursday, 19 May 2011


The Bible says in James 4:6  that GOD opposes the proud but gives Grace to the humble. And sometimes to receive blessings from GOD you need to take the posture of a servant. A servant does not believe that they are in any way higher than their Master. They wait on the Master hand and foot so to speak. They wait for the Master orders and they do what they are told without complaining and in due time they are rewarded for their faithful service.
Jesus says that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. This implies that the best place for us to be is a humble position. Where GOD can use you (whilst you are in submission to Him) and exalt you in due time. Pride sets up forcefields between you and the person trying to get in. If fed it becomes an impenitable force which shuts out anything "GOOD" from being received into the persons' life, even something as vital as GOD's love. Of course GOD will never stop loving us, nor can He. For the Bible says that "He cannot deny Himself."(2 Timothy 2:13) GOD is faithful, however the proud and lofty cannot fully receive GOD's Word because pride sets up a brick wall between you and GOD and GOD can only transform a heart that is completely surrendered to Him. GOD wants to bless you but He won't force Himself on you. GOD is a gentleman. And until we are ready to submit to GOD and "receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls."(James 1:21) we cannot receive some of the blessings which GOD has in store for us. (WHICH HE WANTS US TO RECEIVE).

Is there something holding you back from the One who loves you? Is there a breakdown of communication in your household? Are you expecting something from GOD that you haven't yet received?
Now is the time to let go of all selfish pride and humbly accept the Word which GOD has planted in you. Read your Bible today and thank GOD for the receiving of His Word and for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Do you want GOD to work in your life? Eat the rich fruit of GOD's Word. For the Bible says that "Faith comes by hearing, and HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD. Everything else will follow. Receive the life changing, faith producing Word and watch your life change for the better.

Until next time TID. Trust In GOD

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