Sunday, 1 May 2011

New Life

When you become a Christian it is a life-long commitment. You are forever friends with Christ. He comes into your heart and works to transform you completely from within. He aims to make you a new person. We are to be dead to sin, but alive in Christ. Infact we are to live 'for' HIM.

Transformation within the child of GOD (Christian) could be compared to what happens in the fertilization process by which a flower undergoes. In the fertilization process part of the flower dies and what is left of it becomes a new fruit with seeds.

This reminds me of the hymn "I've found a new life"

I've found a new life, I've found a new life
And if anybody asks you
What's the matter with you my friend
Tell them that you are saved, santified, Holy Ghost filled, water-baptized
Jesus is mine!
I've found a new life.

When we accepted Christ into our lives, we are changed. We have a new life. We may not notice the change immediately, but GOD works at transforming us from within. Slowly our desires, thoughts, motives, agendas, words, actions and lives will be conformed to the will of GOD. Each day we will become more and more like Him. We will learn to love like Him, walk like Him, talk like Him. GOD has given us His holy Son Jesus Christ as an example for us to follow. And each day as we walk in His Light we will feel ourselves being renewed like a plant is hydrated when it absorbs water. Just like plants we too need light and water. We need JESUS the Light of the world AND the Living Water. All of forms of life depend on Him. All of life, happiness, joy, love, goodness, light and every kind of good gift flows out from Him. He is our Provider, 'the Author and Finisher of our Faith', our Sustainer. The One Who upholds the universe and keeps the earth turning. 
I've found a new life. We are to be changed.

In GOD's Word The Bible GOD/Jesus instructs us to be fruitful. Infact HE wants us to bear the fruit of the Spirit.


Dear heavenly Father, help me to submit myself fully and wholeheartedly to You. I pray that You will helped me to be transformed into a new person, a person You want me to be, by the power of Your Holy Spirit and by the grace of GOD. Please help me to produce fruit of the Holy Spirit abundantly, in JESUS holy Name. Amen.

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