Friday, 20 May 2011

Put your trust in JESUS

For the 20 years I have known Jesus He has never let me down. He is a faithful Friend, my most closest companion. He is so dear to me. He loves me unconditionally. He stills love me after all the times I've failed Him. He is a merciful and just GOD. He loves the sinner and cleanses the sin. He makes all things new. He died for me and for you. He gives me purpose. Without Him my life is meaningless. He shows me how to truly love because He is love. He is truly great. My times is in His Hand. He follows me wherever I go so I am always safe. I have nothing to fear. I am learning to rest secure in His arms of compassion and love. Jesus is the truest Friend I've ever known. All else in the world will let you down, friends and family fail you, even those closest to you may forsake you, but GOD.. He keeps you in the palm of His mighty Hands. He loves you and cradles you with His love. Through your darkest times He is there. Through your highs and lows He is there, rich or poor He is there. Sick or well He is there. Through every circumstance in life, from the cradle to the grave GOD IS THERE! Put your trust in Him. I love Him so much for all that He has done for me. Sometimes I forget how good He's been to me. How He's lifted me up when I was down, helped me to pass all my exams, helps me to draw each breath, wakes me up each morning, places joy in my heart and a new song in my mouth. He has blessed me with every good thing in life, makes sure I'm fed and well looked after. He surrounds me with His tender love and care, forgives all my iniquities and cleanses me from all sin. He removes my sins from me "as far as the east is from the west" and He remembers "them no more". As many times as I've failed Him He still forgives me and abundantly and graciously pours out His blessings and His love upon me. He makes me feel special and supplies all my needs. He truly is the love of my life, my Hero and my glorious King!

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