He gave it all up for us. His life, He left His throne to come to the earth and save a people who rejected Him. His own did not recognise Him. The Creator did not receive the praise due to His holy name. The Creator, for our salvation was treated like a common criminal. For our sakes He bled and died on the cross. He felt all the agony and the pain. He felt every lash of the whip, every punch and slap, He took for us. They nailed His hands and feet to the cross. The Son of GOD came to die for you and for me to earn (buy) our salvation. He bought our freedom. He rescued us from the power of sin and death. For us He became sin. He was without sin. Perfect in every way. He lived at peace with all around Him. He never spoke an unkind word. He did everything perfectly in the eyes of GOD. Everything He did, every word He spoke, His every thought was out of love. Before He came down to earth, He knew what He was to do. Even before the creation of the world, He knew what He had to do to buy our salvation. The Son of GOD, one with the Father, surrounded by the adoration and praise of angels, left His throne, left Heavenly bliss and perfection to come to this sin-scarred fallen world to rescue us. People I think we have a lot to be thankful for. It is unfathomable the pain and heartache He felt as He died that agonizing death on the cross. He felt all the pain of a human being. He was fully GOD and fully man. He possessed all the power of GOD Himself, yet He humbled Himself and faced death on the cross, knowing that He could have come down from the cross at any time. But His love for us is what He thought of. Jesus took the punishment that we deserve. It should have been each one of us on that cross of calvary.
Even in the midst of all His immense pain and suffering, with great mercy, love and compassion in His heart He spoke these words "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." It was for our sins that He died. Even as they cruelly drove nails into His hands and feet and mistreated the Saviour He was still thinking thoughts of mercy and pleading their (our) case before GOD. He is a good GOD. Meer words are not enough to express gratitude to Him for what He has done.
Have you taken time to kneel and pray to the One who died for you and for me? Have given Him thanks for all that He has done for you? Have you expressed your genuine appreciation for who He is?
I challenge you to do so now. GOD Bless. x
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