Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Spring Cleaning Part 2: Confession and forgiveness

Back to the topic of soul spring cleaning. A more appropriate term would be the spring cleaning of your life. Sometimes like our house or even desks, dirt and clutter can accumulate. When problems or bad habits and attitudes go unresolved it can produce all kinds of clutter and cluster which can make us ineffective and unproductive in our Christian lives. It might even stop the flow of GOD's blessings which He desires to freely bestow upon us, but we won't let Him. Disobedience drives a wedge between us and GOD. GOD desires to bless us but He just can't get through. Isaiah 59:2 We won't let Him in.

When instead of dealing appropriately with certain sins, we shrug them off and make excuses for them. The way to deal with sin is not to justify it, but to confess it. Confess your sins to the only One who justifies us, by His grace. Psalm 32:5, 1 John 1:9.

A few pointers to consider:-

Sometimes like our homes or desks, dirt and clutter can accumulate in our lives. Whether it be issues such as temptation, habitual and repetitious sin, unforgiveness, undealt with issues such as anger/rage and even passiveness can lead to an unhealthy, clustered and generally weighed down, overburdened and scarred soul. But Jesus can solve all of these problems, if only we will take them to Him in prayer and confession. The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:7  "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." Also see
Psalm 55:22 and Psalm 68:19,

  • unforgiveness can lead to cluster
  • unspoken burdens -to the LORD (the Comforter of all or rather the GOD of all comfort) let GOD comfort and support and uplift you
  • clutter of the mind- negative or ungodly thoughts go unchecked and fester into something much worse (feeding sin) "and sin when it is full-grown gives birth to death
  • clutter of the heart
  • clutter of the soul
  • unconfessed sins
  • unforgiveness leads to depression and drives a wedge between you and GOD. For it is written in Matthew 6:14-15. "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." 
GOD is not going to finance our sin. Sometimes when we are unhappy for no good reason it is because we are not in the will of GOD for our lives. We cannot exclude GOD from our lives. When we ask for something we must first make consult GOD and make sure that it is His will for us. Often we fail at so many things in life because we don't ask GOD. Sometimes GOD will just give us what we want and then we will find out by experience that it wasn't what was best for us. Often what we want is not what is best for us and GOD says that we must not be coveteous. Take King David for example. He saw the wife of Urriah (Bathesheba) bathing on the roof of her house and he lusted after her. His ungodly desire for what was not his to take led him to commit murder and adultery, thus sinning against GOD Himself who was a witness of all this before the first desire was conceived in his heart. BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU WANT TO HAVE. It may not be in GOD's plan for your life. And all too often we frustrate the plans of GOD for our life. This reminds me of a sermon I heard in church one Sunday (on father's day). While GOD was planning to make Aaron a high priest, he was down the mountain building a golden calf for the rebellious people/nation of Israel. Any parent who may be reading this can sympathise with GOD.  These words come to mind when such things happen. "Why did you have to go and mess up your life? You had so much potential. I had such great plans for you and you go and do this."

Make sure you walk in the will of GOD for your life. The people of Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness, when it should have been less than a 2 day journey to the land promised to them. All because they were disobedient and did not trust GOD. They didn't believe the promise. Strangely enough they didn't believe that the same GOD who parted the Red Sea for them would stand by His Word.

Whatever it is you are waiting for GOD to do in your life, simply believe and it will come to pass. Start living in your blessing as if it had already come. ;Thank you and GOD Bless. I pray that GOD will have His way in you and will bless you in abundance. May you follow Him unswervingly and with an unwavering child-like faith. May the GOD of love, peace, joy and comfort guard your hearts in Christ Jesus.

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