Friday, 22 July 2011

Something for the kids

Alright kids! How are you today? Do you know that Jesus
loves you? Of course you do!
He loves you very much. In fact, GOD loved you and me so much that He sent Jesus Christ, His one and only Son to die for us. (John 3:16)

So that we could go to Heaven and live with Him when we die.
He did this so that He could make us clean again from a type of
dirt called “sin”. You and me can’t see it, because it infects the heart like a disease. When people do bad things, it is called sin. And this makes GOD very sad. GOD doesn’t like sin because He is good and there is no badness in Him. GOD can never be bad because He is holy. He is perfect. He makes no mistakes. He’s never wrong. He is always holy. GOD wants us to be close to Him. He wants to be our friend and He wants us to love Him, because He is our Father in Heaven and He loves us dearly. He is the only one who loves us unconditionally. Do you know what that means? He loves us so much that nothing in the whole wide world could separate us from that love. (Romans 8:35-39)
Nothing that we could ever do would ever stop Him from loving

us. He just loves us, just because. His love for us is great!

My King is a sovereign King
Jesus is King over all the earth. And since He is King, that
makes us princes and princesses. We belong to a great family-
 GOD’s family. Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD and He is GOD. He
 created the world. And then the King Himself came to the world
to save us. Isn’t that wonderful? That our King would lay down
His life for us- His people. He wants us to become like Him. Simply
put, doesn’t a child look like their parents? We all look a bit like
our mum and dad’s. So GOD wants us to look like Him and His
Son. He wants us to be like Him in the way we speak, the things
we do and the thoughts we think of. He wants us to be good and
well behaved. This would show the world a mirror of what GOD is
like, by us being an example. Nobody is perfect except GOD the
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus showed us how to live
perfectly. And told us that He would help to do the same. He said
that it proves we are children of His and our Father in Heaven.

When you are GOD's child (a child of Christ Jesus) you have nothing to fear. You never have to be afraid because GOD is with you and He loves you dearly.

If you are not a Christian yet then pray this prayer.

Dear LORD Jesus,
I know that I am a sinner. I believe that You died for me and that
GOD raised You from the dead. I ask You now to come into my
heart and cleanse me from my sin. I love You.

If you have prayed this prayer, then you are now a Christian.
GOD has heard your prayer. In fact, He always hears you. He is
 the only One who understands you completely, so go to Him with
all of your problems. No matter what it is, your worries are not
too hard for GOD to handle and your burdens are never too
heavy for GOD to handle. He will sort out all of your problems.

If you have prayed this prayer, Christ has now entered into your heart and will live with you forever and you will live with Him. He is the best BFF you will ever have, because He loves you and promises never to leave you nor forsake you. He will be your Friend to the end. And you have nothing to worry about as long as He is with you.

GOD’s Word
GOD talks to you through His Word, the Holy Bible. His Word
is powerful and is able to make you grow big and strong in your
heart, mind, soul and spirit. He loves you and wants you to be
happy. He wants you to become like Him and He will help you
with everything you need help with.
It give instructions on how to live a good life. He also speaks to
you through the Holy Spirit. When you become a child of GOD,
Jesus puts His own Spirit inside of you. This Spirit says that we are
children of GOD. He speaks to us about what is right and what is
wrong. He lives within us (in our hearts) and lets us know the
thoughts of GOD. He is perfect, because He is GOD. He works in
our hearts to make us like Him. Like surgery, He transforms us
from the inside.

Have you ever seen the movie Transformers? Transformer, robots in disguise. GOD transforms us to be like Him. Little bit by little bit and day by day we become more like Him. He performs surgery on our heart. Our hearts become more kind, more loving, more patient, more joyful, more peaceful. GOD produces fruit in our hearts, called the fruit of the Spirit. These are: -
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Ask GOD to produce these special Fruit in you.
GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Bye for now. xx



HERE'S A SONG YOU'LL LIKE. It's called "Jesus loves me".
Click on the link below to listen.

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