Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Spring Cleaning: Inner cleansing

Spring cleaning is usually something people do when they've have noticed that their home is becoming a bit clustered or is no longer a vision of homeliness. When you're house stops being inviting, then there's some work to do! It can be a bit like that in our walk of faith. Most of us need to do some spiritual spring cleaning. But just like cleaning a house, it may take a lot of time and effort. Sometimes you have to give things a good clear out before you can find what you’re looking for. Sometime just like tidying up,
the deeper you dig the more you find. The more you look is the more dirt and dust is uncovered. The same can be applied to the human soul. The more you try to become a better person is the more faults you will find. (More things you need to improve.)
Now don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad thing. It means that you're actually making progress. When you are trying your best to get your life lined up in accordance with GOD's Word, alot of things will be uncovered; or rather revealed.GOD's Sword pierces deep. He seeks to purify the soul and refine you as silver. Once He is finished with you, you will shine like the Sun. You will be as silver refined in the fire. (the Fire of GOD's Word; It purges deep) My GOD is in the transformation business, the reformation business, the transfiguration business,  the healing business and the restoration business. If you feel like GOD is doing the same in your life; if you know in your heart that He has revealed something to you, then trust in Him. You're in for some deep cleansing.

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